How does existentialism criticize the philosophies of idealism and naturalism?



How does existentialism criticize the philosophies of idealism and naturalism?



Existentialism, a philosophical movement emphasizing individual existence, confronts and critiques several prevailing philosophical doctrines such as Idealism and Naturalism. This article will delve into the core tenets of Idealism and Naturalism, highlighting Existentialism's critiques against them, ultimately exploring how Existentialism offers a distinctive perspective on human existence.


Philosophy encompasses various schools of thought that strive to understand human existence, perception, and reality. Two significant schools, Idealism and Naturalism, hold distinct views about the nature of reality and human existence.


Critique of Idealism

Idealism postulates that reality is fundamentally mental or spiritual rather than material. It emphasizes the importance of ideas, perceptions, and consciousness in shaping reality. However, Existentialism critiques Idealism for its tendency to overlook the individual's experience and subjective existence in favor of abstract notions. Existentialists argue that Idealism fails to address the concrete, existential concerns of human life.


Critique of Naturalism

Naturalism, in contrast, posits that reality can be explained entirely by natural laws and scientific principles. It advocates for a worldview rooted in empirical evidence and physical phenomena. Existentialism challenges Naturalism by asserting that reducing human existence merely to naturalistic explanations negates the depth and complexity of human experience. Existentialists emphasize the significance of individual freedom and subjective meaning, which Naturalism tends to disregard.

Existentialism: Core Tenets

Existentialism, as a philosophical movement, places immense importance on individual existence, freedom, and personal responsibility. It rejects the notion of predetermined human nature or essence, emphasizing that individuals create their own meaning and values through their choices and actions.

Critique by Existentialism

Existentialism critiques both Idealism and Naturalism for their failure to acknowledge the authentic, lived experiences of individuals. It argues that Idealism's focus on abstract ideas and Naturalism's reliance on empirical observations overlook the existential angst and freedom of choice that define human existence. Existentialists advocate for embracing the uncertainties and complexities of human life, acknowledging the struggles and anxieties inherent in individual existence.


In essence, Existentialism offers a critical perspective on Idealism and Naturalism, highlighting their limitations in comprehending the richness of human existence. By emphasizing subjective experience, individual freedom, and personal responsibility, Existentialism presents an alternative outlook that celebrates the complexities and uncertainties of human life.


  1. What is the main critique of Idealism by Existentialism? Existentialism criticizes Idealism for neglecting the individual's concrete experiences in favor of abstract ideas and perceptions, emphasizing the importance of subjective existence.

  2. How does Existentialism challenge Naturalism? Existentialism challenges Naturalism by asserting that reducing human existence solely to naturalistic explanations overlooks the depth and complexity of human experience, emphasizing individual freedom and subjective meaning.

  3. What are the core tenets of Existentialism? Existentialism focuses on individual existence, freedom, and personal responsibility, rejecting predetermined human nature and emphasizing that individuals create their own meaning and values through choices and actions.

  4. Why does Existentialism value subjective experience? Existentialism values subjective experience because it acknowledges the uniqueness of individual lives and emphasizes embracing the uncertainties and complexities inherent in human existence.

  5. What distinguishes Existentialism's perspective from Idealism and Naturalism? Existentialism distinguishes itself by prioritizing individual experience, freedom, and personal responsibility, critiquing Idealism's abstract focus and Naturalism's reliance on empirical observations.

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